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Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas at home.

The 4 of us celebrated our family Christmas on the morning of Christmas Eve. We began upstairs by reading from Luke 2. The boys still had no idea that this morning would be any different than any other morning. So Jeremy and I decided that we would leave one toy each, unwrapped for the boys. Simply because there is something extra special about approaching the Christmas tree to see a new toy sitting and waiting for you, even if it's not from Santa Clause. So we left Holden's new car rug out with some new wooden cars. And Pax had a new sit-n-spin that was ready to go. As Holden saw the new toys sitting out, he completely stopped paying attention to the stairs and he nearly tumbled down them 2 or 3 times. It was a bit scary and I should have helped him. But I really wanted to capture his expression with the camera. :) And it's blury, but you can still see his excitment. I love that his less than $20 toy was such a delight!
Holden immediately began playing with Jeremy. I thought he would first hop on the sit-n-spin. But he was really more into the simple rug.
And Pax hasn't quite figured out the sit-n-spin, but he hopped right on that morning.
We loved watching the boys tear into their presents. Holden knew exactly what to do. And Pax caught on pretty quickly.It was a fun time for our family to celebrate together.

After lunch we went to an early Christmas Eve service. The boys went to the service with us and did really well. It was a sweet time of worship. And even though the boys don't get it, it was a blessing to have them with us during that time. And then it was on to my parents house for more Christmas and time with 7 little cousins. That post is coming soon.

1 comment:

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

looks like your sweet fam had a special and wonderful Christmas!