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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Glorious Holden

A few weeks ago I was able to join in a ladies bible study at my church. So we meet on Thursday mornings and we are going through Beth Moore’s “Stepping Up.” Last night, Jeremy was doing school work, Holden was in bed and I was finishing up my last day for the weeks study. I read Beth’s words . . . and it was not necessarily a new thought to me, but it did make me think. I guess she said it more eloquently than I ever could.
He (God) knows when something glorious in the future necessitates something difficult in the present.
Glorious . . . Holden? Absolutely!! Of course that is what came to my mind.
I went on to read:
Because he knows the glory will be worth it, God will risk being misunderstood.
Most of you probably know by now that after a year and half of trying to get pregnant, we began the adoption process. That last year of trying to achieve pregnancy, I shed many tears. It was a difficult time. So desperately wanting to know God’s plan for our family! And even more desperately wanting to have unwavering trust in his plan, even if it included pain. And as I walked through the study last night I just began to imagine God’s words as he sat and watched those tearful times and he listened to me cry out to Him. And here is how I imagine his words:
Goodness Melodie, I know this is rough. And I know it hurts. But I see further down the road and it is completely amazing. You will love what I have in store for you and Jeremy.
I know that God was my comfort during the times of grief. But I wonder if he ever wants to yell at us from heaven so our deaf ears can hear, “JUST WAIT! BECAUSE MY PLAN IS BETTER!”
Holden is completely our miracle as he has turned our lives up-side-down. I feel like we are in the honeymoon phase and I hope it never ends. Days are filled with giggles, smiles, tickling, reading, singing, fun screaming, etc. Life is just so much fun! I know it won’t always be the piece of cake that it is right now, but we are having more fun with Holden than any 2 people deserve.

And here is a very old picture of our glorious Holden. It is such a cute picture. I am not sure how it never made it on the blog!


Katie said...

Our God is awesome, It was His plan all along. I like to look back on life and see His plan. It is hard when you are in the valley though.
Love this post.

kh123 said...

I am doing the study as well- have you got to the "eating the seed" part? Man, that worked all over me. Last year God gave me Psalm 126---sowing in tears... Then a few months ago the verse right above it about the joy. So fun to be on this side of things!

April said...

It has been such a blessing to watch God's plan unfold!

Melodie said...

Keri, I haven't gotten that far into the study. I am just on week 3, but you are making me look forward to what's ahead in the book!

everyday graces said...

God is so good! I'm so glad that you are able to do this study now.