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Monday, June 3, 2013

Abe is 6 months!

We have almost known Abe for 4 weeks. Only 4 weeks. So it's gut wrenching to me that he is already 6 months old yesterday. Now that he's in our arms I haven't dwelt too much on the fact that we did indeed miss so much of his beginning. I just think about what a blessing that he is ours now. He is just amazing! The way he has attached himself to us so quickly has been like watching a miracle take place. I know this was a major transition for him. It had to be scary, our new faces that were suddenly taking over as his family. But he has exceeded all expectations in his adjustment so far. I think he loves us as much as we love him, if that is even possible.

Last week, Abe and i made our 7th, yes 7th, move in 3 weeks. So two more new faces and a new location to take us in. He has been very leery of new faces. Everywhere we go, strangers want to chit chat with him. Especially the grannies. But little guy always looks wide-eyed and serious. And the grannies normally comment on how they can't get a smile from him. Breaks my heart a little. So we moved for the 7th time last Thursday. And I sat with these new faces, in this new house, for about 30 minutes letting Abe warm up. Then i decided to unload our luggage from the car. So i passed Abe off to the girl as the guy helped me unload. As soon as I reached my car outside, I heard the whaling from inside the house. And my heart broke at what his mind must have been wondering in that moment. I couldn't get my things fast enough to get back inside to show him I was back and not leaving him. I took him in my arms as I entered the house again and he quickly calmed down. And then I realized, he really is comfortable with me. Its only been 4 weeks (almost), and he may not yet fully trust if I'm coming or going. But those tears let me know he has enjoyed his life with us, our company, the kisses, the constant attention. He's happy with us and doesn't want us walking out. That was my interpretation. Who knows what is really going on in his little brain and heart. That meltdown from Abe was hard for me to hear and see, but also such a wonderful sign of his attachment to us. God is so good. We are so thankful for the healing he is doing in our baby boy's heart.

I've finally been able to weigh our big boy. He is 20lbs. Spot on, the same size that his brothers were at 6 months. Crazy! He's wearing size 4 diapers, 6-9 month clothes, 6-12 month clothes and some 9-12 month clothes. Our third big-o boy. One of the stranger/grannies at the grocery store called him my little linebacker when i told her his age. :) He takes about 6 bottles in a 24 hour period. He normally takes all 5oz at each feeding. He does very well eating his baby cereal from the spoon and really seems to enjoy it. I've given him fresh mashed banana twice this past week and he liked that as well.

Abe is now able to roll over in both directions. Though he more easily rolls from tummy to back. He has improved much in the past few weeks at hand-eye coordination and grasping toys with his hands. We are still working on him sitting up unassisted. He's not there yet.

So far his personality seems laid back, happy and content. He rarely fusses. He is a joyful little guy, full of smiles. He always wakes up so smiley and happy when he sees Jeremy or I. I just love it. I adore his wide-mouthed smile. And his big eyes turn small and squinty when he grins. Oh and his have to see them in person. They are so long! He's is taking 3 naps during the day. And he's now stretching his naps longer...closer to 1.5 hours. He was only napping 30-45 minutes in the beginning. So this is good progress. Nighttime sleep is about the same...only going 5-6 hours between feedings. But i think that he'll get there in time.

Pax immediately took to having sweet Abe as his baby brother. As much as we worried about Pax, it's almost funny now. It is like he was born to be a big bro. Holden hasn't been near as interested in Abe. But I noticed little evidences of the two of them bonding just this weekend. Abe will be very loved by his two big brothers. If we could just get them in one location for some normalcy!

It's only been 4 weeks...but i can not imagine my life or our family without this sweet boy. Thank you God. We are so blessed by this new life!


Amanda said...


will + adri said...

Aww! He is so precious! So glad you all are bonding so well with each other and I cannot imagine how quickly time is flying! Enjoy every second!

Kim said...

Continuing to pray for y'all! He is SO cute!!