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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father of 3.

Two nights ago Jeremy asked me if I could believe we had 3 now. My response was YES! His life has been somewhat similar as he has been home during the weeks with our 2 big boys while Abe and I were in Oklahoma. I don't want to say his life has been the same. It hasn't. At all. He busted his tail during those 5 weeks to bring the boys to visit on the weekends. Alot of miles and hours of back and forth. He also spent long hours at the office so he could have an extra day in his weekend with us in Oklahoma. I don't dismiss any of that. I know that was all very hard on his end. But now that Abe is home, I think it is just now beginning to hit Jeremy that he is a father to 3 little boys. :)  And what a wonderful daddy he is to these 3. And I couldn't ask for a better partner in parenthood.
A few pictures from Father's Day 2013...
You can't read it, but the boy's stickers said "My dad is My Hero." They all wore them proudly. Jeremy's sticker said "The Amazing Incredible Super-Dad"
We have another little water lover over here.

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