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Monday, August 26, 2013

Pax's 4th birthday

My sweet 4 year old had a fun day. I loved spending the day celebrating him! Pax made most of the decisions for our day today. I asked him Sunday night what he wanted to do on his big day. His answer was "Go to the library and pick out new books!" We do this most every Monday so it's a little amusing that this was his preference today. After the library we met Jeremy for lunch and Pax chose Chick Fil A. Once home again the boys took naps. After naps, we read several of our library books as we waited on Jeremy to return home from work. Then it was dinner, gift opening and an icecream finale. Pax has one of the sweetest personality. So it was joyful for me to watch him own his day. He seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Here are a few pictures from today.
He came down for breakfast to find a gift waiting for him. We let him open Holden's gift to him early this morning.
This boy LOVES super heros. Especially Spider Man and Super Man.
Muffins for breakfast.
All dressed and set for our day of fun.
Time for gifts.
The boy loves books.
So since I have little boys, discussions about bodily fluids and functions happen continually out our house. Daily. No matter how much I try to discourage the topic. Another favorite around here is "underwear". Say that word and the boys will be belly laughing on the floor. So how could I pass up a book called Underpants Thunderpants. Obviously the author raised some little boys.
Pax has been requesting a "real guitar" since Holden received his drum set from us back in May. So tonight as he opened gifts, he first opened some t-shirts and new Ninja Turtle PJ's. I know it wasn't that exciting to him, but he let out a "whoo hoo" just to show some gratitude for the gifts. Jeremy and I could tell the "whoo hoo" was forced and fake. But that's one of the sweet parts of Pax's personality. He would never let you know he was a little disappointed. Then we had him open his books and a Dr. Seuss board game. Nothing terribly exciting yet. Then all of his gifts were open and Jeremy and I started talking outloud as though we had missed a gift. Finally Jeremy retrieved the large wrapped guitar from our bedroom. It was obvious Pax had no idea what it was.
He was really excited.
He immediately held it like he knew exactly what to do. And as he began strumming, he shouted, "Let's rock n roll!" I have no idea where he hears this stuff. But we got a good laugh out of it.
Another fun birthday for a very special boy. A four year post is in the works!

1 comment:

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

Happy 4th birthday to a sweet little boy!