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Friday, August 9, 2013

Goodbye free blogger.

Well, as you can see I have now maxed out two photo storage sites. I should say that I've maxed out the free versions of those sights. And I would prefer to not pay for this little blog. But it looks like that is what we are going to have to do. Until we get that sorted out, I'm forced to take a little blogging break. Because we all know that I can't blog without pictures of my cuties. That is the sole purpose of this little space.
I have a few blogs in my head...
- Holden at age 5...this one is 3 months overdue. My goal is to have it up before Pax turns 4. I have 2 weeks! By then I'll need to post:
- Pax at age 4.
- Holden loses his training wheels.
- Gearing up in this house for Kindergarten. Eek!
- And then our regular summer fun.
Lots to update once the blog is up and running and I scrape the spare time to sit and pluck it all out on this keyboard.  :)

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