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Monday, May 2, 2011

Holden's 3rd birthday bash!

In case you haven't noticed, birthdays are a big deal around here. At least they are to me. So if you're tired of all the birthday posts, I'm sorry. I haven't scapbooked in 3 years now. So this little blog documents just about everything for our family.
Saturday morning was Holden's birthday party. When he woke, his big present from us was assembled in the backyard and ready for his viewing and playing. I expected him to be so excited and to do his typical hyperventilating trick. He was pretty low-key about it. Excuse my look in the pictures. I was halfway ready when he woke. :)So we cheaped out and bought a metal swing set rather than the cedar, or whatever they are. We tend to cheap out alot. But to our boys, a swing set is a swing set and they seem to really love it so far. And speaking of cheaping out, this will probably be Pax's big birthday present as well, come August 26th! He says he's fine with that. :) Holden did get one other very small gift from us. And Pax will too. But kids are so easy to please at this young age, we really do want to keep it simple (and cheap - ha!) around here.
When I asked Holden almost 2 months ago what kind of party he wanted, he told me "cars". Not like the Disney movie or anything like that, just plain ole cars. He loves to sit/lie down and roll his small cars and trucks that fit perfectly in the palm of his hand. It's his very favorite way to play. I threw out some other themed options, but he kept insisting "no, just cars." So we went with a car theme and it was alot of fun for me. It was tons easier doing cupcakes instead of a cake this time. I may never bake a birthday cake again. :) Just cupcakes.
Friends and family began arriving at 10am for Holden's party. The kids were able to play outside on the swing set for a while. The weather was perfect!
Then Holden opened all of his presents. He received lots of fun new toys and a few cute clothes. He was a pro at the present opening this year. :)
Here is the loot he ended up with from our sweet friends and family. Whoa.
And then it was cupcake time! I'm not sure how many kool-aids my boys had on Saturday. But I do know that both shirts looked very tie-dyed by naptime.
It was a wonderful morning to celebrate our birthday boy! And I'm pretty sure he loved his time in the spotlight.


~The Neaves Nest~ said...

I think his big grin in the picture said it all!! love the cupcakes:) and the chocolate car molds! And the patio looks GREAT too!!

everyday graces said...

Happy Birthday Holden!

Don't worry about cheaping out. I got the hand-me-down metal swing set that I helped buy my niece for her b-day many years ago. The kids still love it and call it their "park". It looks a lot like yours except a lot more faded :-)

Misty said...

Looks like Holden really enjoyed his birthday party.

As for the swingset...we have a rainbow play system (cedar) and it is a pain to maintain. Our set is four years old and we have had to stain it two times already. If I could do it over...I would go metal or plastic.

Melodie said...

ah Misty, so glad you shared. i did have that thought about the staining and re-staining and re-staining. even though honestly, we were just trying to save money. but your comment confirms the decision even further. :)