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Thursday, July 29, 2010
free fun.
Surprise Visitors!
Life without a paci.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
golf is funny.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Pax is 11 months!
Here is one of those serious faces that he likes to flash to strangers.
And these are the sweet smiles that I get to see all of the time.
Pax has enjoyed the water this summer. But he is definitely more mellow about it. Holden went nuts and splashed like crazy at 1 year (and still does). Pax just sits in it and chills. Then occassionally he dips his fingers in and then sucks the water off his fingertips. That's about all the action I see from him in the water.
He is waving and clapping like a champ. Anytime I say "good job", he starts clapping with a huge open-mouthed grin. I love it! Here he is waving hi to the camera: Pax is finally getting interested in some finger foods. He has been quite a snob to all finger foods with one exception: cheerios. So I knew he could handle some variety, he just wouldn't do it. He would refuse to eat anything but pureed baby food. That has changed just within the last week. He will now eat waffles, bananas, blueberries, rice, beans, bread . . .that's all I can think of right now. Eating transitions have taken time with him. He seems a litttle resistant to change and so it just takes him some time to warm up to new things. I just have to keep offering it. He has turned up his nose to blueberries for a month, even though he would eat them pureed. Then tonight he gobbled down about 30, shoving about 5 in his mouth at a time. It completely surprised me.
He is a wiz at the sippy cup and I really have no worries about taking the bottle away in another month. He sucks down the water and has caught on quicker than Holden did.
Now if we could only keep him from throwing the sippy cup on the floor. I always give him 1 chance. He purposefully drops it to the floor, I tell him no and place it back on his tray. If it happens again, I put it away in the fridge. This little scenario happened yesterday and today. This is the picture I took when the sippy cup went bye-bye after drop #2.
Pax is a wonderful sleeper. He still sleeps 12 hours at night. There is never any fussing when we lay him down. I'm pretty sure that he loves his bed. He normally takes a morning and afternoon nap, 2 hours each. If we skip the morning nap due to errands or playing with friends, he still only sleeps for 2 hours in the afternoon. I would think he might sleep longer to make up for lost time. That's what Holden always did. But no, 2 hours at a time. That is all he will do.
This picture was taken about 2 minutes after Jeremy put him down a few nights ago. The picture flashing and clicking didn't even phase him. He was already out, smacking away on that paci, face nestled in those bumpers.
And a few other pictures from our month with Pax:
And 1 picture from today to officially mark 11 months!
Yep, pretty cute boy in his pink.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Here we go!
Friday, July 23, 2010
JOY in a water slide
And all of my boys on the slide:
Thursday, July 22, 2010
what summertime is all about.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
a day at the water park . . .
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Working in the heat
Friday, July 16, 2010
Family Summer Vacation - Grand Finale
I realize that no one is looking at the camera, but it was hard to get all 3 at the same time.
I know they don't look very enthusiastic, but aren't they beautiful?! And they have a similar, little button nose. Something that I didn't recognize until this picture. Abigail is about 3 months older than Pax and about 1 year younger than Holden.
After our fun visit with friends, we packed up to head home. We made one last stop and had lunch with M, Paxton's birthmom. Since we were in the area, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to see her and let her love on Pax. He gave her a slobbery kiss, which I'm sure she loved. I did take pictures, as I normally do, but I keep those private for Paxton and M.