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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

History repeats itself.

Lately I've been watching life repeat itself through these boys. For instance, I was pulling out 12month PJ's last night for Pax (because he is growing like CRAZY) and I was thinking to myself Holden just outgrew these!!! Well, he didn't just outgrow them. But he was just wearing them last winter. And as I was packing up Holden's 18-24month clothes 2 nights ago (because he also is growing like CRAZY), I was thinking how fun it will be to pull them out again in just 1 short year. Because yes, I now realize these years truly are short. And I am witnessing Paxton repeat all the things Holden did just 1 short year ago(+ a few months). Things like screaming for fun, standing on our laps, bouncing in the jumperoo, learning to love his sleep :). It's a joy to watch it all. Even the second time around. It's still exciting, fun and such a joy! But Paxton's new silly face completely shocked my socks off. Why? Because I remember it vividly with Holden. I don't think this is necessarily a typical baby stage. And I'm for sure not the one teaching it. But I clearly remember Holden doing it and blogging about it here. And looking at the date of that post, Holden was about 1 week shy of 6 months. Now that is too weird! So check out Holden's silly face by clicking here. And look below to see Paxton's silly face. SO WEIRD, right?!!!

So Holden prefered the bottom lip and Paxton prefers the top. Are those not the fattest cheeks you've ever seen? Good for kissin!


Lindsey said...

So cute!! Both of them. That's adorable that they both did/do that. :D

everyday graces said...

Those cheeks look quite delicious!

MacKinnon Madness said...

That is awesome!! Your boys are so dang cute!