Here is Holden with Mrs. Mindy right before we left school yesterday. Mrs. Laura had to head out early and so I'm so sad that I don't have her included in this picture. But can you see the love here? Let me tell you, I got to see it every Thursday. I've never felt more confident leaving my kiddo with someone else. Goodness, he loves her!
And here is Pax with his sweet teachers. One of them said "I love you Pax" as she hugged him bye. There is something that tugs at my heart when I get a sense in the genuineness of that statement. And obviously when it's directed to my boys. These 2 ladies were not the original teachers of his classroom back in August but it didn't take long for him to win over their hearts.
After I picked up the boys, we sat in the car and I got a little teary-eyed reading the notes from their teachers. Also, each child was sent home with a small Shutter Fly book of pictures of the child in their classroom from the year. Amazing! Then to celebrate our official start to summer, I treated the boys (and myself) to fro-yo. Yum yum!
I briefly mentioned this in my last post, but Jeremy and I will be kicking off our summer very soon. Actually, tomorrow our trip will begin. We are taking a week long childless vacation. A Carribean crusie. Our 10th anniversary will be in November, so we're calling it an early celebration for that. I'm giddy with excitement about a week alone with Jeremy. And all of the fun in store. Staying up late, and then sleeping in , sticking our toes in the white sand and crystal blue ocean. There is so much to look forward to. We haven't done anything close to this in 5 years. But I'm nervous, anxious and emotional about leaving the boys. I've never gotten on a plane without my kids. Now I will be flying and then hopping on a boat where there will be no land in sight. Cruises don't scare me. They are my preferred way to vacation. But I have kiddos now and that adds a different dimension to things. But here we go. We need this week for us. And I begged for this trip. So here we go. Here we go. There's no turning back. I can do this. Giving myself a pep talk here.
So I've been trying to make the most of my time with the boys this past week.
More skivvies as they finger painted this week.
We found these cute super hero tees with attaching capes. So they were our little heros for a day. Pax is obssessed with super heros right now, especially Super Man.
Inspired by my friend, we've been making these homemade popsicles that are practically just fresh fruit. You add 1 Caprisun pouch among 4 popsicle molds after you've shoved in all the fresh fruit that the mold can handle. The boys think they are getting quite a treat and they are basically eating frozen fruit. Sneaky, sneaky. But I had to admit, they are pretty tasty on a hot, Texas day.
And this afternoon we pulled out the summer pool. :) I've never known anyone who loves the water as much as Holden. They are having a ball in the cool water. Now I'm off to enjoy my family for a few more hours.