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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Abe's 4th Birthday

Abe turned 4 on December 2nd. So behind over here.
He began his day by opening a gift from Holden and Pax. New legos!

Then our sweet Master Builder helped him to build it right away!
 Everyone's favorite breakfast at our house is always donuts.
We also let him open this new fire station. It was actually handed down to us without the furniture. I ended up buying a set of wooden pink furniture for it, because it was the cheapest I could find. He didn't mind at all that it was pink. :)
He was so excited to have a fire station.
Not long after breakfast we took off for Chuck E Cheese to meet a few friends and celebrate.
 We had games, pizza and Paw Patrol cupcakes.

After lunch, we came home and Abe had a nap. Then my parents came over that evening for frito chili pie (one of his favorites!) and more presents and cupcakes.
 I love celebrating my boys birthdays. But this #4 came all too quickly. An "all about 4 year old Abe" is next on my blog-to-do list!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


November consisted of....
(OK, this first one was actually the last weekend in October.) Jeremy participated in a Spartan race with a few of his best friends. These relationships go all the way back to middle school. These three had a full weekend together. I'm so thankful these friendships are still going strong.

 They stuck together through the entire race.
 Holden's dream of getting glasses sort of came true.
 We converted Abe's toddler bed into a full bed. He affectionately refers to this bed as his "firetruck bed".
We celebrated 14 years of marriage with a fun little date night at Painting With a Twist. It was such a fun and special evening.
 I'm so thankful for this guy. Good seasons and hard seasons, busy seasons and restful seasons... I'm glad he is by my side.
 And without our monthly date night, I think I would go cuh-razy! :)
Also, during the month the boys had their very first piano recital.  They did so great!
And then our sweet teacher retired to stay at home with a new baby. I can't blame her, but goodness I thought we had found such a great fit.
And also in November we went to ICE at the Gaylord. We have taken Holden and Pax one other time. They were so young then they could barely walk without falling in the blue parkas. So it definitely felt like a new experience for them this time.
 It was 9 degrees.
 These two skinny boys can not handle 9 degrees very well. Holden was miserable. Daddy was attempting to warm him up.
 But the ice sculptures are pretty incredible. And Pax and Abe loved the ice slides. Holden would have also loved the slides if there was sunshine and it was closer to 40 degrees.
And finally, also in November, a good friend of mine took some family pictures for us. She captured some great photos of the boys and our family. We found lots of keepers.

I can't believe how big and grown up these two are. Didn't they used to be babies?

And this baby of the family smiled so good. I bribed him with Skittles! His favorite!

December update is right around the corner...

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Halloween 2016

I'm determined to do a major blog catch up this week and never fall behind again. Hahaha. That will be impossible. When I look at our winter/spring calendar it is extra full and extra exciting. And like always, documenting on this little blog will most likely take a back seat. But Jeremy is always encouraging me to keep these little posts going, knowing that one day it may be special for our boys to look back on all of our family adventures. So here we are at Halloween...
 Abe had a little fall party at Mother's Day Out and he wore one of my favorite shirts that the big boys had worn several years ago.
 This year, we painted pumpkins instead of carving. The boys loved it.
 And keeping with tradition, we had our friends over for frito chili pie and then walked the neighborhood with them and some neighbors. Unfortunately, right about the time I had dinner ready, Holden informed us that he had a migraine headache. He gets them on occasion. So he spent the evening at home being sick from the migraine while I took the boys trick or treating with their friends. For the record, Holden had a black ninja costume, similar to Paxton's costume. He is determined to wear it next year. And this momma is just hoping it will still fit. He grows at a very rapid rate. :)
Here we have a green ninja (Pax), a firefighter (Cruz) and Batman (Abe). It was a great night. I was just a little sad that our biggest boy had to miss out on the fun. But sweet Cruz, Pax and Abe made sure to fill his pumpkin with their own candy.