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Monday, September 26, 2016

a little bit of Abe

A few weeks ago Abe started back to Mother's Day Out just one day a week. I thought it would be good for him. And it would give the big boys and I at least one uninterrupted day of school time. Last year we had started our homeschool co-op so I pulled him from MDO. This year he is doing both and he sort of acts like it is torture to be away from me all of that time. :) We attend only morning classes at our co-op, by our own choice. So with MDO, co-op, and time at church he is away from me about 10 hours a week. I remind myself of that when he clings to me at a drop off and I start to feel like maybe it's too much for him. :)
 He was all smiles for his first day, until it was actual time for drop off.
 Then last week he knew a real live fire truck was coming to school, so he was extremely excited and he had no reservations whatsoever at drop off. He was ready to get on that truck!
 But this boy is a solid momma's boy and with me is, by far, his most favorite place to be.
And here is a picture from last month. He loves to sit and paint with water colors. He will sit and do this for a full hour. Which is a long time for a 3 year old boy, in case you are unfamiliar with this gender/age combo. :)
 And then on the day I was taking the brick wall school pictures of the big boys, Abe really thought he needed his own photo shoot. So I snagged these. :)
In just over 2 months we will be celebrating this boy's 4th birthday. I am not sure at all how that is even possible, but that is what my calendar keeps telling me. I'm hopeful that I'm half crazy and I've somehow skipped a year in my head. But I have a strong suspicion that his 4th birthday really is right around the corner. Which means there really are no more babies that live in my house. Hard truth to swallow for this momma. 

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