We split the drive since we were not exactly sure how well Abe would travel for 10 hours, plus extra time for meal and bathroom stops. He actually did much better than we ever thought. We spent the first night in Jackson, Mississippi and then got back on the road the next morning. We checked into our beachside condo on Friday and spent the next 4 days and 5 nights enjoying the beach and swimming pools. It poured rain on most of our drive to our destination on both days. I began to get in a sour mood and think we had chosen the worst week ever to have a beach vacation. The weather report was not looking promising. It actually looked like it was going to clear up and turn sunny the day we were scheduled to leave. I prayed on the drive that God could let all the rain out during our travels and it would be clear for us once we were there. Later I learned it had rained 21 inches in 11 hours in Gulf Shores. Which made the emerald waters not so emerald. (Apparently after that much rain, it takes about 3 weeks for the waters to return to their beautiful color. Just an interesting sciency tidbit for you.) But after all that rain, we had clear skies for our beach days which is all that I really cared about.
It truly was a perfect vacation for this season for our family. Our boys didn't care to go and do and see, like Jeremy and I love to do. Each morning they just wanted to scarf down breakfast and head to the beach and swimming pools. So that is what we did. Either Jeremy or I stayed back with Abe and he would take a morning nap. I got alot of reading in during those nap times, which was so enjoyable. I hardly make time to read these days! Though I will say, since I was reunited with my books over vacation I've been making more time for reading since returning home. I sat on our balcony during his naps and read. Or I headed to the water with my bigs while Jeremy relaxed in the condo. We always did a simple breakfast and lunch at the condo and then dinner out. Apparently Abe hates eating in restaurants, which the rest of us love. So that was rough at times. He's going to need to get on the restaurant loving train at some point, because I'm not sure we can give it up completely. We ate alot of shrimp and other seafood and it was delicious! Each night once the boys crashed, which they did so very easily since they played hard outside all day, Jeremy and I sat on the balcony with a glass of wine. Sometimes talking and laughing. And sometimes just watching the waves roll in. The ocean is amazing. I forget how amazing it is, until I see it stretched in front of me with no end in sight. I loved Gulf Shores. It was so family friendly. There were a ton of families with young kids, just like us. And everyone was so friendly. It was such a cute little beach town, nearly an island the way it is surrounded. And it definitely had that islandy, small town feel and look to it. I loved it. I would repeat the trip next year if I could talk a certain guy into it. Orange Beach was another place we ventured to for dinner on Mother's Day. Another really cute town to drive through and see. That's my vacation recap and my plug for Gulf Shores. Here are a whole lot of pictures from our fun getaway.
The van was loaded down and we are about to take off. Excuse the filled trashbag in the empty seat. It makes me feel like Tommy Boy...if anyone remembers that movie and his luggage. It was just our beach toys.
They rummaged through our beach bag and found their new goggles during our drive. I turned around to see this.
And one boy fell asleep with them on. Up-side-down. :)
We made it to our condo!
We headed out for dinner and then couldn't wait to take the boys out on the beach for the first time. I'm so glad we caught these expressions. Pure joy.
We headed out for dinner and then couldn't wait to take the boys out on the beach for the first time. I'm so glad we caught these expressions. Pure joy.
I've never met anyone that loves the water as much as this guy. He's going to go to college and somehow major in H20! Holden doesn't remember his last trip to the coast. He was 15months old. :)

And it was these two boys first trip to the beach. Abe won't remember. So at least we have pictures!

Friday was our first full day in the water.
This baby boy really loves the water too.
Trying on big brother's shades.
Holden and Pax loved the sand. Abe wasn't as sure about it.
We brought two dump trucks for the sand. They were a huge hit for both boys and the other kids that played with them.
Holden wanted to be burried. He also made quite a few sand angels. I think he had read about that in a book. It was all his idea.
My beach loving family.
Dinner out.
Often times, breakfast and lunch were eaten on the balcony.
Apparently, monkey had to take in the view as well. Seriously, I have to believe that this was Holden's dream vacation. It was so simple. Each day was easy and simple and fun. And this boy...he was in heaven. He took it all in and loved every moment. It was a joy to see.
This was Mother's Day. We pulled up to the restaurant of my choosing to find this in the backseat. I should have known dinner would turn out poorly.
But they perked up for us when we mentioned food. And the big boys did great. But little Abe. Stinker little Abe that has to hate restaurants! Jeremy had the majority of his meal boxed to go and paced the patio area with Abe, while the big boys and I enjoyed dinner. It was an amazing restaurant in Orange Beach called Cosmos that we will definitely return to if we are ever back in the area. So amazing that Jeremy had to speak with a manager to brag on the food and our amazing and attentive waiter.
A sweet gift from all my boys. Jeremy picked it out on Etsy all by himself.
Those silly goggles were glued to Holden's face often.
Also a fun and very casual little restaurant called Lulu's. They basically bring the beach to you. The kids can play in the sandy and water features. It was the perfect family place. And of course the boys loved that they could play while waiting on their food to come.
I know he has his paci in his mouth alot. Don't judge. :)
After this meal, we walked around to see all the boats. And each of us decided what we would want to name our own boats, if we had one. Apparently, Jeremy would have one called "Melodie of the Seas". Someone please hold him to that.
On our last full day at Gulf Shores we went on a dolphin cruise recommended by my sister. It was really the only "extra" of our trip. Everything else revolved around our backyard beach, our condo and the pools...well, and a few dinners out. So the dolphin tour was just something different we threw into the mix.

On the lookout for dolphins.
I didn't get the greatest pictures since they move in and out of the waters so quickly. But we did get to see several dolphins.
This boy was a royal mess most of the 2 hours on the boat. Granted he was missing a nap and he was exhausted. But my goodness, it wore us out! At one point he chunked his paci into the ocean. And if you can't tell, he can't live life without his paci! Luckily mommy had a backup. We always have a backup!
And we had a sweet and gracious captain that let the fussy baby drive the boat. So they had him content for about 3 minutes.
And then the other 10 children all got to take a turn driving the boat. :)
On our last full day at Gulf Shores we went on a dolphin cruise recommended by my sister. It was really the only "extra" of our trip. Everything else revolved around our backyard beach, our condo and the pools...well, and a few dinners out. So the dolphin tour was just something different we threw into the mix.

On the lookout for dolphins.
I didn't get the greatest pictures since they move in and out of the waters so quickly. But we did get to see several dolphins.
This boy was a royal mess most of the 2 hours on the boat. Granted he was missing a nap and he was exhausted. But my goodness, it wore us out! At one point he chunked his paci into the ocean. And if you can't tell, he can't live life without his paci! Luckily mommy had a backup. We always have a backup!
And we had a sweet and gracious captain that let the fussy baby drive the boat. So they had him content for about 3 minutes.
And then the other 10 children all got to take a turn driving the boat. :)
It was a fun little tour. I'm glad we took the boys, despite the baby that could not have cared less about being on a boat and seeing dolphins swim right beside us! :)
Just the views from our balcony.
Zero entry kids pool.
And regular deeper pool.
And then the very sad day that we had to leave. Vacation was over and it was time to pack up and drive home. I was sad. I was not ready for it to end. It had been such a relaxing and fun week with my very favorite people. We made the trip home in one day instead of two. The boys did great. And now, just as I write about it and remember, I want to go back!
It looks amazing! Maybe I'll just look back at this post and pretend it was our trip;) great pic of the fam at your Mother's Day dinner!! So cute
Jealous here!! The Behymer's, N & D, are at Orange Beach now.
So glad it was all you wanted and you had precious down time with your boys. We love it there and my boys would so be beach bums full time. We can't wait to go back in July!
So much fun!! I'm glad you guys had a good time. Now I really want to go on vacation!
I am so glad you enjoyed yourselves on vacation. I'm glad you got to go to Lulu's! We like to eat our breakfast and lunch on the balcony too. It's such a fun and relaxing place. When Abe's a little bigger you all will have to go to the uss alabama battleship or have mommy stay back with Abe and Jeremy take the big boys for the day. That's the highlight of the trip for Colin. Also we've never tried cosmos.
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