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Monday, December 15, 2014

Abe's Puppy Party and birthday!

If there is one thing that Abe is over the top excited, obsessed about it is dogs, which he very cutely calls all dogs "puppies". He has loved dogs since before he could walk or talk. He would spot them from a mile away when we were at the park before he was even one. I could tell by the way he held his hand out, that he had spotted a dog. He has loved our old dog from the get go even though she has wanted very little to do with kids. (We had to put her down last week. Interestingly enough, Abe hasn't really seemed to notice her missing yet.) All of that to say, a puppy themed party was a no brainer for me this year. The boy loves dogs! We had a small party the Sunday night after the Thanksgiving holiday and we enjoyed celebrating our littlest boy. A few pictures from our fun.
 cutie birthday boy!
 with nana
 I was pretty proud of the puppy cake. I found a simple "how to" on Pinterest, but I was completely shocked when in the end in actually looked like a dog!
 Daddy and mommy with the birthday boy!
 opening gifts
 watching as everyone sang to him
 and attempting to blow out his candle. He wanted nothing to do with the cake or icing.
It was the perfect celebration for our sweet, puppy loving boy!

Abe's birthday actually fell on a Mother's Day Out day this year. At first I felt a little guilty sending him to MDO on his big day, but his teachers assured me he would have loads of fun and by the time he left he would understand it was his birthday. :) So he spent a good chunk of his day with his friends and teachers. Then later that evening, we order pizza (which is a big favorite of his...a favorite for our entire family, really). And I mixed together a fruit salad since that's about the only kind of sweet that he really enjoys. He opened his presents from our family (a book, a pound puppy, a little people car and a toy cell phone) and we got to spend the evening celebrating the gift that he truly is to us.
What a blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Y'all need to adopt another baby