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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Trimming the Tree!

Saturday was our day! It's a day of the year that this girl LOVES! It's a day devoted to prepping our house for Christmas. We eat party food and we decorate the tree as a family. So now the tree is up, the stockings are hung and things are looking very festive over here. I didn't snap a whole lot of pictures of the finished product. But it looks pretty identical to past years. Actually, it's still not completely done. I'm needing a new stocking for a certain baby boy and then it should be complete. But I did take a few pictures while we were in the process. The big boys loved decorating the tree this year. Though I had to do some rearranging once they were done.
We've started our fun little advent calendar counting down the days until Christmas. And it should go a little something like this:
Open a present today!
Enjoy some time listening to Christmas music.
Act out Jesus’ birth celebration with the nativity.
Have our picture made with Santa and enjoy some time at Outdoor World.
Make snowmen footprints.
Pick out our 2013 Christmas ornament.
Make treats for trash truck drivers, mailman and neighbors.
Decorate our door like a snowman.
Have a candy cane craft day!
Special surprise family night! (This will actually be driving around to look at Christmas lights. But it's fun to keep it a surprise until the very last minute when they think they are going to bed and you pile them in the car for a fun night. :))
Celebrate St. Nicholas Day.
Have a Christmas Tree craft day!
Watch a Christmas movie.
Spend a fun day with the Myers.
Mail off our Christmas cards.
Talk about the star that pointed the seekers to Jesus and play hide and seek with the stars.
Buy a gift for your brothers.
Shop for someone in need.
Attend a live nativity.
Sing Christmas carols as a family.
Attend your school Christmas party.
Make reindeer pancakes for dinner.
Buy a new Christmas CD.
Attend a Christmas Eve service.
Celebrate the birth of Jesus, our King!

I'll just decide the night before what we will be doing from the options above. It will just depend what our day looks like. Along with these fun things, we'll be doing the Jesse Tree at nighttime together. I highly recommend it. It's a wonderful opportunity for learning and focus as we travel through the Christmas season. I'm thrilled to be heading into this month full of traditions, worship and a lot of family fun with my boys. Tonight they opened a gift. As usual it was their Christmas jammies. Three boys in matching jammies. I love it!
 People, he's walking now. 
I know we have a full month ahead. I'm looking forward to each moment with these boys, as we guide them towards Jesus and celebrating Him!


Sara said...

Looks like so much fun! How are those boys so big?!

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

Love this:) especially the pjs! I may be stealing some of your advent activites as I'm missing a few. Thanks��

Misty said...

Love the matching pajamas!!